Job seekers

Eligibily criteria

To access our services, a person must:

  • have been diagnosed with a mental illness;
  • live in Montréal or Laval;
  • be motivated;
  • provide the referral form completed by a healthcare professional.

The referral form is available on request.

Services provided

L’Arrimage’s services include job placement, follow-ups and employment retention.

Personalized services

All of our services are provided on an individual basis to suit the preferences, needs, interests and abilities of each person. Collaboration with the mental health professional is also part of the process, and this helps maximize the potential of those receiving our services.


  • Presentation of services
  • Identification of the job seeker’s expectations
  • Assessment of eligibility

Employability Profile

  • Identification of each person’s preferences, needs, interests and strengths
  • Elaboration of the job seeker’s profile (work and academic history)
  • Employment counselling
  • Help with professional choices
  • Information on the labour market and exploration of various options
  • Determine which accommodations are needed to facilitate job placement
  • Identification of the measures and programs best suited to the person
  • Draw up an individualized action plan

Job Search

  • Preparing a CV and cover letters
  • Preparation for job interviews
  • Supported job search
  • Recruiting and arranging visits to potential employers

Job placements and job-readiness placements

Four main types of job placement are possible:

  • Regular non-subsidized employment
  • Wage subsidized employment
  • Work skills training programs
  • Programme de subventions aux entreprises adaptées

Monitoring and employment retention

  • Regular, personalized monitoring
  • Employer support when needed
  • As needed, intervention in collaboration with the mental health professional

Job Coaches

Since 2019, we have had job coaches working in collaboration with our employment counsellors. The job coaches may be involved as soon as a person starts to work or later on, if a difficulty crops up. Job coaches provide the following services:

  • Coaching and support to help clients acquire, develop and maintain skills related to interpersonal relations, carrying out their duties and a sense of responsibility.
  • Workplace visits to reassure clients while they are adapting to their work environment.
  • Collaboration, with the employer and the employee, in setting up adapted measures and problem solving.