Who we are ?

gens qui travaillent


Helping people become active members of the labour force is at the heart of our commitment. Our mission is to help people in searching, integrating and maintaining employment. Since 1976, L’Arrimage has provided specialized services to help people living with a mental illness to enter or re-enter the labour market.

Over the years, L’Arrimage has developed an expertise combining in-depth knowledge of the labour market and mental illness in order to best serve both job seekers and employers.

Our team

Roxane Guinois, Director

Linda Bisante, Administrative Assistant


Monique Arbour, Secretary-Receptionist

Employment Counsellors:

Caroline Bleau, coordonator

Marc Correia-Ferreira

Abla El Kartaoui

Samantha Fazio

Julie Gamelin

Véronica Giusa

Job Coach:

Éric Simard


Mariama Sadio Soumaré, Secretary-Receptionist

Employment Counsellors:

Catherine Hélie, coordonator
James Alcindor
Yves Bourcier
Nelly Cardoso
Nora Dagnan
Erbide Denis
Éloïse Dubois
Marie-Ève Huard
Marie-France Jutras
Marie-Hélène Lavoie
Nathalie Pépin
Julie Saumier
Odile Villeneuve
Lenaïg Voisin
Shadia Wahbeh

Employment Retention Advisor:

Sébastien Décary-Secours
Audrey Raymond-Ladouceur

Job Coaches:

Cosima Marchand

733 383 74% 342 116 63%

Statistics 2023-2024

people received services from L’Arrimage
job placements
of jobs are full-time
of people are still employed after three months
referrals to work skills training programs
support activities for long-term job retention